{ Answer }
{ Related Clues }
Carried on
Blew a fuse
Blew a gasket
Carried on vehemently
Hit the ceiling
Lost it
Prevailed uncontrollably
Raised Cain
Ran riot
Showed fury
Spread unchecked
Threw a tantrum
Vented fury
Was in a frenzy
Went ballistic
Went wild
Acted like Hotspur
Acted like Lear
Displayed fierce anger
Flew off the handle
Spread like wildfire
Was in a high dudgeon
Wasn't merely mad
Went on a temperamental tear
{ Tags }
acted, amok, anger, ballistic, blew, carried, flew, fumed, fury, like, off, raged, ran, showed, spread, stormed, tantrum, threw, unchecked, was, went
{ Notes }
The answer RAGED is common and appears about once every 275 puzzles.
{ Definition }
RAGE as a verb:
1. (ramp, rage, storm) = behave violently, as if in state of a great anger
2. be violent; as of fires and storms
3. feel intense anger; "Rage against the dying of the light!"
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