{ Answer }
{ Related Clues }
Aviary sound
Bird sound
Fledgling's sound
Happy sound
Imitate a cricket
Nest noise
Nestling's noise
Sylvan spring sound
Wake-up call?
{ Tags }
aviary, bird, call, chirp, cricket, fledglings, happy, high, imitate, nestlings, noise, sound, speak, spring, stridulate, sylvan, tweet, twitter, up, voice, wake
{ Notes }
The answer CHIRP is seen occasionally, appearing about once every 950 puzzles.
{ Definition }
CHIRP as a noun:
1. a sharp sound made by small birds or insects
CHIRP as a verb:
1. (peep, twirp, cheep, chirp, chirrup) = make high-pitched sounds; of birds
2. (tweedle, chirp) = sing in modulation
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