
Battery, e.g. (4 letters)

{ Answer }


{ Related Clues }

Basis of a lawsuit
Basis for a suit
Basis of a suit
Cause for a lawsuit
Civil injury
Civil wrong
Lawsuit basis
Legal wrong
Libel, e.g.
Makings of a suit
Material for a suit?
Reason to sue
Reason for a suit
Slander, e.g.
Slander or libel
Start of a suit
Suit for Belli
Suit material?
Trespass, e.g.
Wrongful act
Apt rhyme for court
Basis for a civil suit
Cause for civil action
Civil wrong: Law
Suit material, perhaps
Type of civil wrong
Wrongful act, in law
Wrongful act, to an LL.B.

{ Tags }

act, action, basis, battery, cause, civil, court, eg, law, lawsuit, legal, libel, material, perhaps, reason, slander, suit, tort, wrong, wrongdoing, wrongful

{ Notes }

The answer TORT is seen frequently, appearing about once every 110 puzzles.

{ Definition }

TORT as a noun:

1. (tort, civil wrong) = (law) any wrongdoing for which an action for damages may be brought

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