{ Answer }
{ Related Clues }
"___ alive!"
"___ a boy!"
"___ a deal!"
"___ a girl!"
"___ a Living"
"___ about time!"
The "I" in T.G.I.F.
"___ my fault!"
"___ My Party"
"___ nly money"
Part of T.G.I.F.
Tag players
T.G.I.F. part
"___ your turn"
"___ Magic," 1948 song
Ricky Nelson's "___ Late"
"___ a warm wind . . . ": Masefield
"___ a wise child . . . ": Nash
"Baby ___ You" (1962 hit)
"___ Magic," Doris Day hit
"___ in his kiss" (1964 pop lyric)
"When ___ Love" (Van Halen hit)
{ Tags }
de, girl, hit, i, its, long, lovely, magic, my, not, over, part, party, possessive, pronoun, song, tag, tgif, time, unusual, 1948
{ Notes }
The answer ITS is seen frequently, appearing about once every 50 puzzles.
{ Definition }
IT as a noun:
1. (information technology, IT) = the branch of engineering that deals with the use of computers and telecommunications to retrieve and store and transmit information
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