
Juniper product (4 letters)

{ Answer }


{ Related Clues }

Cell in the retina
Christmas decoration
Dunce's headgear
Fountain item
Geometric solid
Organ of the retina
Pine product
Retina feature
Shape of a hogan
Squirrel's cache
Traffic director
Traffic marker
Volcanic formation
Volcano apex
Construction site sight
Dairy Queen purchase
Dunce cap shape
Fruit of the pine tree
Ice-cream container
Ice-cream holder
Ice cream purchase
Test track obstacle
Word with nose or pine

{ Tags }

cap, cone, cream, dairy, director, dunce, funnel, geometric, holder, ice, marker, pine, product, purchase, queen, retina, shape, solid, strobile, traffic, treat

{ Notes }

The answer CONE is seen frequently, appearing about once every 120 puzzles.

{ Definition }

CONE as a noun:

1. any cone-shaped artifact

2. (cone, conoid, cone shape) = a shape whose base is a circle and whose sides taper up to a point

3. (cone, strobilus, strobile) = cone-shaped mass of ovule- or spore-bearing scales or bracts

4. (cone, cone cell, retinal cone) = visual receptor cell sensitive to color

CONE as a verb:

1. make cone-shaped; "cone a tire"

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