
High-school breakout (4 letters)

{ Answer }


{ Related Clues }

___ cream
Adolescent outbreak
Adolescent's problem
Bad marks
Bad spots?
Cause of eruptions
Clearasil target
Facial woe
Skin problem
Skin trouble
Skin woe
Stridex target
Teen affliction
Teen breakout
Teen headache
Teen problem
Teen spots
Teen spots?
Teen trauma
Teen woe
Teenage woe
Teen's woe
Tetracycline target
Unwanted spots
Benzoyl peroxide target
An embarrassing problem to face?
High school problem
High schooler's problem
It's breaking out
Middle school marks?
Reason to use Retin-A
Retin-A treats it
Some red spots
Some teens' affliction
Teen-ager's problem
Teen-ager's woe
Teen-y problem
Teen's skin woe
Indication of teen stress, maybe
Teen-ager's skin problem
Bad marks gotten in high school?

{ Tags }

acne, adolescent, affliction, agers, bad, breakout, clearasil, face, high, marks, outbreak, problem, school, skin, some, spots, target, teen, teens, trouble, woe

{ Notes }

The answer ACNE is seen frequently, appearing about once every 70 puzzles.

{ Definition }

ACNE as a noun:

1. an inflammatory disease involving the sebaceous glands of the skin; characterized by papules or pustules or comedones

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