
Stare at (4 letters)

{ Answer }


{ Related Clues }

Gawk at
Amorous look
Be flirtatious
Eye flirtatiously
Eye a peri
Eye with a sigh
Get an eyeful
Interested look
Lecherous look
Lecher's look
Look at amorously
Look of desire
Make eyes at
Cast coquettish glances
Give a body check?
Give the glad eye
Give the once-over
Look at long ? and with longing
Look at a looker, perhaps
Study à la studs
Undress with one's eyes
Watch on the beach, maybe
Take a long, longing look

{ Tags }

amorously, down, eye, eyeball, eyes, flirt, gawk, girl, give, goo, leer, leers, like, look, make, oeillade, ogle, stare, up, watch, wolf

{ Notes }

The answer OGLE is very common and appears about once every 48.7 puzzles.

{ Definition }

OGLE as a verb:

1. look at with amorous intentions

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