
Signal the doctor (4 letters)

{ Answer }


{ Related Clues }

Alert electronically
Appliance sound
Attention getter
Blast from the passed?
Busy signal
Caller's prompt
Horn signal
Horn sound
Intercom sound
[Make way!]
Modern summons
Motorist's warning
Page sound
Pager cue
Pager sound
Pager's sound
Paging signal
Signal of a kind
Signaling sound
Sound a horn
Street sound
Summon, in a way
Timer sound
Toot's cousin
Warning signal
Warning sound
Audible warning on the road
Hour-signal sound
Low-battery signal
"Out of my way!"
[Out of my way!]
Radio time signal
Sound heard during gridlock
When repeated, "Out of the way!"
When repeated, Road Runner's call
When repeated, the Road Runner's cry
When repeated, Road Runner's sound

{ Tags }

beep, cry, doctor, horn, my, out, page, pager, radio, repeated, road, runners, signal, sound, street, time, toot, toots, warning, way, when

{ Notes }

The answer BEEP is common and appears about once every 275 puzzles.

{ Definition }

BEEP as a noun:

1. (beep, bleep) = a short high tone produced as a signal or warning

BEEP as a verb:

1. (honk, blare, beep, claxon, toot) = make a loud noise; "The horns of the taxis blared"

2. call, summon, or alert with a beeper

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