
Highball ingredient (3 letters)

{ Answer }


{ Related Clues }

Jewish ___
Alternative to white
Bar order
Bread for a Reuben
Bread with seeds
Cereal grain
"Comin' Thro' the ___"
Cover crop
Deli bread
Deli choice
Ergot host
Gypsy gentleman
Manhattan ingredient
Manhattan part
Pastrami go-with
A pocketful, in rhyme
Pumpernickel grain
Type of bread
White alternative
Alternative to whole wheat
End of a Salinger title
Ingredient in an old fashioned
Loaf with caraway seeds, maybe
___, N.Y. (Barbara Bush's birthplace)
Town on Long Island Sound

{ Tags }

alternative, bar, bread, catcher, cereal, crop, deli, grain, grass, ham, ingredient, kind, loaf, manhattan, order, pumpernickel, rye, seeds, type, whisky, white

{ Notes }

The answer RYE is seen frequently, appearing about once every 80 puzzles.

{ Definition }

RYE as a noun:

1. the seed of the cereal grass

2. (rye, Secale cereale) = hardy annual cereal grass widely cultivated in northern Europe where its grain is the chief ingredient of black bread and in North America for forage and soil improvement

3. (rye, rye whiskey, rye whisky) = whiskey distilled from rye or rye and malt

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