
Color or duck (4 letters)

{ Answer }


{ Related Clues }

Blue hue
Blue shade
Bluish duck
Bluish green
Dabbling duck
Duck or color
Freshwater duck
Greenish blue
Greenish shade
Marsh duck
Pond denizen
Pond duck
Pond swimmer
Relative of a mallard
River duck
Shade of blue
Small duck
Wild duck
Blue-green shade
Blue-winged quacker
Color close to aqua
Darker than turquoise
Duck that is somewhat blue?
Florida Marlins color

{ Tags }

blue, bluish, canvasback, color, cousin, dabbling, duck, freshwater, green, greenish, greenwing, hue, pond, relative, river, shade, small, swimmer, teal, wild, winged

{ Notes }

The answer TEAL is seen frequently, appearing about once every 80 puzzles.

{ Definition }

TEAL as a noun:

1. (bluish green, blue green, teal) = a blue-green color or pigment; "they painted it a light shade of bluish green"

2. any of various small short-necked dabbling river ducks of Europe and America

TEAL as an adjective:

1. (bluish green, blue-green, cyan, teal) = of a bluish shade of green

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