
1948 Literature Nobelist (5 letters)

{ Answer }


{ Related Clues }

"Gerontion" poet
"Middlemarch" author
"Middlemarch" creator
Ness of "The Untouchables"
Part of T.S.E.
Prufrock's creator
"Romola" writer
Romola's creator
"Adam Bede" author
Adam Bede's creator
"Ash Wednesday" poet
Author of "Daniel Deronda"
Author of "Four Quartets"
"Burnt Norton" poet
"The Cocktail Party" playwright
George or T. S.
"The Hollow Men" poet
Leader of the "praying Indians"
Literary pen name
Mary Ann Evans
Nobelist in Literature: 1948
Originator of Jellicle Cats
Poet T. S. ___
"The Sacred Wood" writer
"Silas Marner" author
"Silas Marner" novelist
T. S. or George
Victorian-era novelist
"The Waste Land" author
"The Waste Land" poet
Creator of J. Alfred Prufrock
He wrote "The Hollow Men"
He wrote "The Rock": 1934
"The Sacred Wood" essayist, 1920
"The Sacred Wood" writer, 1920
She wrote "Adam Bede"
Pen name of Mary Ann Evans
Poet whose work inspired "Cats"

{ Tags }

adam, author, bede, cocktail, creator, eliot, george, he, land, marner, middlemarch, novelist, poet, prufrocks, romola, s, silas, t, waste, writer, wrote

{ Notes }

The answer ELIOT is seen frequently, appearing about once every 70 puzzles.

{ Definition }

ELIOT as a noun:

1. (Eliot, T. S. Eliot, Thomas Stearns Eliot) = British poet (born in the United States) who won the Nobel prize for literature; his plays are outstanding examples of modern verse drama (1888-1965)

2. (Eliot, George Eliot, Mary Ann Evans) = British writer of novels characterized by realistic analysis of provincial Victorian society (1819-1880)

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