
Limerick language (4 letters)

{ Answer }


{ Related Clues }

A Celtic language
Gaelic language
Gaelic tongue
Highland Gaelic
Highlands tongue
Irish offshoot
The language GĂ idhlig
Manx relative
Manx tongue
Old tongue
Scots Gaelic
Language that gave us "smithereens"
Language from which "clan" comes

{ Tags }

celtic, comes, dialect, erse, european, gaelic, gaels, hebrides, highland, highlands, irish, language, manx, old, relative, scots, scottish, spoken, stornoway, tongue, which

{ Notes }

The answer ERSE is very common and appears about once every 33.4 puzzles.

{ Definition }

ERSE as a noun:

1. (Gaelic, Goidelic, Erse) = any of several related languages of the Celts in Ireland and Scotland

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