
Keeps (5 letters)

{ Answer }


{ Related Clues }

Baseball and hockey stats
Doesn't spend everything
Andy Moog specialties
What an evangelist does
Makes regular deposits
Takes into account?
Relief pitchers' goals
Reliever's successes
Feats for Gossage
Pitching stat
Puts aside
Stashes away
Makes a bank deposit
Goalie's credits
Delivers from sin
Relievers' rewards
Goalie stats
Goaltender's stat
Lays by
Goalie's stats
Pitcher's stat

{ Tags }

away, deposit, doesnt, everything, feats, goalies, goals, hockey, keeps, lays, makes, pitchers, pitching, puts, relievers, rescues, saves, spend, stat, stats, successes

{ Notes }

The answer SAVES is common and appears about once every 325 puzzles.

{ Definition }

SAVE as a noun:

1. (sports) the act of preventing the opposition from scoring; "the goalie made a brilliant save"; "the relief pitcher got credit for a save"

SAVE as a verb:

1. (salvage, salve, relieve, save) = save from ruin, destruction, or harm

2. (save, preserve) = to keep up and reserve for personal or special use; "She saved the old family photographs in a drawer"

3. (save, carry through, pull through, bring through) = bring into safety; "We pulled through most of the victims of the bomb attack"

4. spend less; buy at a reduced price

5. (save, lay aside, save up) = feather one's nest; have a nest egg; "He saves half his salary"

6. (save, make unnecessary) = make unnecessary an expenditure or effort; "This will save money"; "I'll save you the trouble"; "This will save you a lot of time"

7. (deliver, redeem, save) = save from sins

8. (spare, save) = refrain from harming

9. (save, economize, economise) = spend sparingly, avoid the waste of; "This move will save money"; "The less fortunate will have to economize now"

10. (keep open, hold open, keep, save) = retain rights to; "keep my job for me while I give birth"; "keep my seat, please"; "keep open the possibility of a merger"

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