
Beep (4 letters)

{ Answer }


{ Related Clues }

Barfly's binge
Beep's relative
Blow the horn
Blow the whistle
Bugler's blast
Drinker's spree
Horn sound
Horn's sound
Short blast
Traffic sound
Tugboat's call
Tug's salute
Whistle blast
Whistle sound
Attention-getting sound
Choo-choo's sound

{ Tags }

barflys, beep, bender, binge, blast, blow, choos, drinking, honk, horn, impatience, salute, sound, spree, toot, traffic, train, tugboat, tugs, warning, whistle

{ Notes }

The answer TOOT is seen frequently, appearing about once every 140 puzzles.

{ Definition }

TOOT as a noun:

1. a blast of a horn

2. (carouse, carousal, bender, toot, booze-up) = revelry in drinking; a merry drinking party

TOOT as a verb:

1. (honk, blare, beep, claxon, toot) = make a loud noise; "The horns of the taxis blared"

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