
Genetically abnormal one (6 letters)

{ Answer }


{ Related Clues }

Animal oddity
Colorless sort
Hardly colorful
Lacking melanin
Lacking pigment
Lacking pigmentation
Rare birth
Red-eyed one
Type of mouse
White elephant
Animal lacking in color
One lacking normal pigmentation
Like some rats
Like a white rat
Person prone to sunburn
Pigment-deficient animal
White elephant, e.g.
White mouse, for example
White rabbit, e.g.
White rat, e.g.
Accidentally uninked embossed stamp
Like some lab mice
Pink-eyed panther, say
Typical lab rat, e.g.

{ Tags }

abnormal, accidentally, albino, animal, colorless, eg, elephant, example, eyed, genetically, lab, lacking, like, mouse, pigment, pigmentation, rabbit, rat, some, stamp, white

{ Notes }

The answer ALBINO is uncommon, appearing about once every 425 puzzles.

{ Definition }

ALBINO as a noun:

1. a person with congenital albinism: white hair and milky skin; eyes are usually pink

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