
Signs on (7 letters)

{ Answer }


{ Related Clues }

Enters the service
Eschews the draft?
Joins a cause
Joins the service
Joins up
Secures the aid of
Signs up
Wins support from
Gets one's help
Signs up for a hitch
Takes the queen's shilling

{ Tags }

aid, cause, draft, enlists, enters, eschews, gets, help, hitch, joins, ones, queens, secures, service, shilling, signs, support, takes, up, volunteers, wins

{ Notes }

The answer ENLISTS is rarely seen, appearing only about once every 1000 puzzles.

{ Definition }

ENLIST as a verb:

1. join the military

2. (engage, enlist) = hire for work or assistance; "engage aid, help, services, or support"

3. (enlist, draft, muster in) = engage somebody to enter the army

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