
Shoot for the moon (6 letters)

{ Answer }


{ Related Clues }

Not be resigned to one's lot
Have lofty goals
Yuppies do it
Aim toward
Have high objectives
Have big plans (to)
Desire strongly
Reach for the stars
Seek ambitiously
Eagerly wish
Hope to achieve
Have high hopes
Be ambitious
Long for, with "to"
Have ambitions
Have a goal
Have ambition
Shoot for, with "to"
Aim high

{ Tags }

aim, ambitions, ambitious, ambitiously, aspire, be, goals, have, high, hope, hopes, lofty, moon, objectives, reach, seek, shoot, stars, wish, yearn, yuppies

{ Notes }

The answer ASPIRE is common and appears about once every 300 puzzles.

{ Definition }

ASPIRE as a verb:

1. (draw a bead on, aspire, aim, shoot for) = have an ambitious plan or a lofty goal

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