
Game linked to lotto (4 letters)

{ Answer }


{ Related Clues }

Bingo relative
Bingolike game
Bingo's cousin
Casino activity
Cousin of lotto
Gambler's game
Gambling game
Game of chance
Game of numbers
Lotto variant
Lotto variation
Lottolike game
Numbers game
Relative of lotto
Vegas game
Vegas offering
Atlantic City game
Casino game with a caller
Gambling game with numbers
Game with many balls
Game played at the Mirage
Game in a Reno casino
Group attraction in Vegas
Lotto-like game
Monte Carlo game
Vegas numbers game
Casino game with numbered balls
Game from the French for "five winning numbers"
Game played with a sack called a goose

{ Tags }

atlantic, attraction, balls, bingo, bingos, casino, chance, city, five, gamblers, gambling, game, keno, like, linked, lotto, many, numbers, relative, variant, vegas

{ Notes }

The answer KENO is seen frequently, appearing about once every 140 puzzles.

{ Definition }

KENO as a noun:

1. (lotto, bingo, beano, keno) = a game in which numbered balls are drawn at random and players cover the corresponding numbers on their cards

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