
Dead Sea Scrolls preservers (7 letters)

{ Answer }


{ Related Clues }

Presumed authors of the Dead Sea Scrolls
Ascetics of the second century B.C.
Keepers of a famous ancient library
People described by Josephus
Group in biblical history
Ascetic Jewish sect
Early monastics
Old Judaic sect
Dead Sea scroll guardians
Qumran inhabitants
Ascetics of yore
Ancient mystics
Ancient celibates
Sect in ancient Judea
Scroll scribes
Early Hebrew ascetics
Ancient Jewish brotherhood
Early ascetics
Ancient Dead Sea sect
Ancient ascetics
Monastics of yore
Dead Sea Scrolls people
Dead Sea monastics
Ancient Jewish ascetics

{ Tags }

ancient, ascetics, bc, century, dead, early, essenes, group, guardians, jewish, judea, monastics, mystics, people, preservers, scroll, scrolls, sea, second, sect, yore

{ Notes }

The answer ESSENES is common and appears about once every 325 puzzles.

{ Definition }

ESSENE as a noun:

1. a member of an ascetic Jewish sect around the time of Jesus

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