
Airwaves nuisance (6 letters)

{ Answer }


{ Related Clues }

Atmospheric disturbance
Bad reception
Complaints, informally
Interference of a sort
Kind of electricity
Lacking movement
Noisy opposition
Noisy reception
Not active
Opposite of dynamic
Radio annoyance
Radio interference
Radio noise
Radio problem
Radio woe
Storm production
Televiewer's problem
Trouble on the set
Unwanted noise
Back talk, slangily
Criticism, so to speak
It causes sparks
Sign of an approaching storm
Winter buildup, at times
It's often heard during storms

{ Tags }

airwaves, atmospherics, back, complaints, criticism, during, electricity, inactive, informally, interference, kind, noise, noisy, nuisance, problem, radio, reception, so, speak, static, storm

{ Notes }

The answer STATIC is common and appears about once every 325 puzzles.

{ Definition }

STATIC as a noun:

1. (static, atmospherics, atmospheric static) = a crackling or hissing noise cause by electrical interference

2. angry criticism; "they will probably give you a lot of static about your editorial"

STATIC as an adjective:

1. (static, unchanging) = not active or moving; "a static village community and a completely undynamic type of agriculture"; "static feudal societies"

2. (inactive, motionless, static, still) = not in physical motion; "the inertia of an object at rest"

3. (electrostatic, static) = concerned with or producing or caused by static electricity; "an electrostatic generator produces high-voltage static electricity"

4. (static, stable, unchanging) = showing little if any change; "a static population"

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