
1940s-'50s pitcher Maglie (3 letters)

{ Answer }


{ Related Clues }

___ ammoniac
___ hepatica
___ oda
___ soda
___ volatile
Bando of baseball
Baseballer Maglie
Baseball's Bando
"Frivolous" one of songdom
Gal of song
Gal of songdom
Girl in a song
Girl of song
Maglie or Mineo
Mineo or Maglie
Mineo of movies
Mule of song
Mule of songdom
"My Gal ___"
NaCl, to a pharmacist
Erie Canal mule
Frivolous girl of song
Mule of folk song
"My gal" of song
Paul Dresser's gal
"Dog Day Afternoon" character
Gal in an old song standard
"My Gal ___," 1905 song
Tin Pan Alley gal
"Do the Right Thing" pizzeria owner
"I've got a mule, her name is ___"
Sonny's partner in "Dog Day Afternoon"

{ Tags }

actor, bando, baseball, baseballs, canal, do, erie, frivolous, gal, girl, maglie, mineo, mule, my, pitcher, sal, soda, song, songdom, thing, volatile

{ Notes }

The answer SAL is seen frequently, appearing about once every 50 puzzles.

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