
"The sweetest gift of heaven": Virgil (5 letters)

{ Answer }


{ Related Clues }

Consider, with "on"
___ on (defer)
Chandler's "The Big ___ "
Domain of Morpheus
Doze off
Drop off
Hypnotist's word
Insomniac's need
Insomniac's relief
Kind of cycle
Kind of walker
Land of Nod
Lie dormant
Lullaby word
Meet Morpheus
Period of quiescence
REM time
Time out?
"Balm of hurt minds"
Catch some Z's
"The City of ___," Kipling poem
Coleridge's "gentle thing"
Fail to be alert
Get some shuteye
___ on it (delay a decision)
Knitter of ravell'd sleaves
"O magic ___!": Keats
R. Wilbur's "Walking to ___"
Ravell'd -sleave knitter
Sheep counter's quest
"Sore labour's bath"
What Macbeth "murdered"
" azure-lidded ___": Keats (5)
"Sore labour's bath": Shak
Hamlet's word before "perchance to dream"

{ Tags }

bath, big, catch, chandlers, coleridges, gentle, gift, heaven, it, keats, lullaby, morpheus, out, shuteye, sleep, some, sweetest, thing, time, virgil, word

{ Notes }

The answer SLEEP is seen frequently, appearing about once every 160 puzzles.

{ Definition }

SLEEP as a noun:

1. (sleep, slumber) = a natural and periodic state of rest during which consciousness of the world is suspended; "he didn't get enough sleep last night"; "calm as a child in dreamless slumber"

2. (sleep, sopor) = a torpid state resembling deep sleep

3. (sleep, nap) = a period of time spent sleeping; "he felt better after a little sleep"; "there wasn't time for a nap"

4. (rest, eternal rest, sleep, eternal sleep, quietus) = euphemisms for death (based on an analogy between lying in a bed and in a tomb); "she was laid to rest beside her husband"; "they had to put their family pet to sleep"

SLEEP as a verb:

1. (sleep, kip, slumber, log Z's, catch some Z's) = be asleep

2. be able to accommodate for sleeping; "This tent sleeps six people"

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