
Subj. of a makeup exam? (4 letters)

{ Answer }


{ Related Clues }

Biol. subject
Constitution: Abbr.
Med. course
Med. subject
Premed course
Sci. class
Sci. course
Veterinarian's subj.
Art school subj.
Basic subj. for a surgeon
Body structure: Abbr.
Body study: Abbr.
Cadaver study: Abbr.
Course akin to Physiol.
Course for an M.D.-to-be
Course related to physiol.
Gray area: Abbr.
Gut course?: Abbr.
Makeup course?: Abbr.
Med. sch. subject
Med.-sch. subject
Med. school course
Med. school hurdle
Med school subj.
Med. school subj.
Med. school subject
Med.-school subject
Med. student's subject
Nursing school subj.
Premed course: Abbr.
Sculpture student's subj.
Study of the body: Abbr.
Subj. in drawing class
Surgeon's expertise: Abbr.
Vet school subj.
Basic course for a future M.D.
Course for a would-be g.p.
What Michelangelo studied: Abbr.
Class with many makeup exams?: Abbr.

{ Tags }

abbr, anat, area, art, biol, body, class, course, future, gray, grays, makeup, med, medical, premed, sch, school, sci, study, subj, subject

{ Notes }

The answer ANAT is seen frequently, appearing about once every 70 puzzles.

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