
Rating at Ft. Bragg (3 letters)

{ Answer }


{ Related Clues }

Certain G.I.
One-chevron G.I.
Cpl.'s aide
Cpl.'s inferior
Future NCO?
G.I. rank
Man in the mil.
Many a G.I.
Mil. classification
Mil. rank
One overseen by a sgt.
Promoted pvt.
Quantico fig.
Sgt.'s underling
One-striper, briefly
One-striper, for short
U.S.M.C. enlistee
U.S.M.C. rank
U.S.M.C. one-striper
Army E-3
Army one-striper: Abbr.
E-2 Marine
Enlisted man: Abbr.
First-class G.I.
G.I. under an NCO
Jarhead's rank: Abbr.
Low-rank inits.
Rank below Cpl.
Rank below cpl.
U.S. Army rank
U.S.M.C. E-2
Army rank E-3
Forrest Gump's rank: Abbr.
G.I. just below cpl.
One might be promoted to cpl.
Enlistee with a chevron above an arc: Abbr.

{ Tags }

abbr, army, below, bragg, certain, chevron, cpl, cpls, e, enlistee, ft, gi, man, mil, pfc, promoted, rank, rating, striper, usmc, 3

{ Notes }

The answer PFC is common and appears about once every 300 puzzles.

{ Definition }

PFC as a noun:

1. (perfluorocarbon, PFC) = a powerful greenhouse gas emitted during the production of aluminum

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