
Double-reed woodwind (4 letters)

{ Answer }


{ Related Clues }

___ d'amore
Bassoon relative
Bassoon's cousin
Clarinet's relative
Cousin of a bassoon
Ensemble part
Heckelphone, e.g.
Musical instrument
Orchestra part
Orchestra seat
Orchestra unit
Orchestral reed
Organ stop
Penetrating reed
Reed instrument
Shawm descendant
Shawm's descendant
Slender reed
Tuneful pipe
Tuner of the orchestra
Wind in a pit
Chinese horn, e.g.
Concerto soloist, perhaps
Cousin of the English horn
Double-reed instrument
Instrument with metal keys
Relative of the English horn
Instrument that's blown into
Sound lower than a flute
"An ill wind that nobody blows good"
Instrument used to set the pitch for an orchestra
Its mouthpiece has a double reed
Musical instrument that's blown into

{ Tags }

bassoon, bassoons, cousin, damore, double, english, hautboy, horn, instrument, kin, member, mitch, musette, musical, o, oboe, orchestra, reed, relative, wind, woodwind

{ Notes }

The answer OBOE is very common and appears about once every 33.2 puzzles.

{ Definition }

OBOE as a noun:

1. (oboe, hautboy, hautbois) = a slender double-reed instrument; a woodwind with a conical bore and a double-reed mouthpiece

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