
Civil War general (5 letters)

{ Answer }


{ Related Clues }

Commander at Gettysburg
Fort ___, Md.
General at Gettysburg
Gettysburg figure
A Gettysburg general
Gettysburg general
Gettysburg victor
Lee foe
Opponent of Lee
Union general
Union V.I.P.
Victor at Gettysburg
Winner at Gettysburg
Army of the Potomac commander
Army of the Potomac leader
Gettysburg opponent of Lee
Union general at Gettysburg
He wore a Union suit
Nobel-winning economist James
Army of the Potomac commander, 1863-65
G. W. aide-de-camp

{ Tags }

army, civil, commander, fla, fort, general, gettysburg, he, leader, lee, md, meade, opponent, potomac, suit, union, victor, war, wore, 65, 1863

{ Notes }

The answer MEADE is seen frequently, appearing about once every 200 puzzles.

{ Definition }

MEADE as a noun:

1. (Meade, James Edward Meade) = English economist noted for his studies of international trade and finance (born in 1907)

2. (Meade, George Gordon Meade) = United States general in charge of the Union troops at the battle of Gettysburg (1815-1872)

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