
Vanishing table item (7 letters)

{ Answer }


{ Related Clues }

Obsolescent receptacle?
Place for butts
Smoker's companion
Smoker's receptacle
Target of a flick
Item disappearing from offices
Place to see a flick?
Site of many flicks
Apt pig Latin for "trash"
Where butts are parked

{ Tags }

apt, are, ashtray, butts, companion, disappearing, flick, flicks, item, latin, obsolescent, parked, pig, place, receptacle, smokers, table, target, trash, vanishing, where

{ Notes }

The answer ASHTRAY is rarely seen, appearing only about once every 1300 puzzles.

{ Definition }

ASHTRAY as a noun:

1. a receptacle for the ash from smokers' cigars or cigarettes

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