
Shootout time (4 letters)

{ Answer }


{ Related Clues }

"High ___"
High ___
Twelve ___
" . . . the blaze of ___": Milton
Deadline, sometimes
Eight bells
High time
High time?
It precedes one
Koestler's "Darkness at ___"
Kramer's "High ___"
Palindromic time
Showdown time
Time of day
Time for a whistle
Whistle time?
XII, maybe
Deadline for Sheriff Kane
Duel time, maybe
Factory whistle time
Hands-up time
"High" time for Cooper
High time for Cooper
It comes before one
What may precede one
When morning ends
Whistle-blowing time
Word with tide or time
Work-break time
Time for mad dogs and Englishmen
When all hands meet
When shadows are short
When shadows are shortest
When both hands are up

{ Tags }

are, bells, both, day, eight, film, hands, high, it, lunchtime, midday, noon, palindromic, point, shadows, shootout, time, twelve, up, when, whistle

{ Notes }

The answer NOON is seen frequently, appearing about once every 70 puzzles.

{ Definition }

NOON as a noun:

1. (noon, twelve noon, high noon, midday, noonday, noontide) = the middle of the day

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