
Soothing word (5 letters)

{ Answer }


{ Related Clues }

"Over ___"
In that place
In that spot
"VoilĂ !"
VoilĂ !
Comforting word
Companion of then
Cry of satisfaction
"Done, O.K.?!"
Half a reassurance
Partner of here
Start of a limerick
Word of comfort
Word of consolation
"___ you are!"
"Being ___," Sellers film
Half a comforting phrase
"Hey ___" (1954 song)
"Hey, ___," 1954 song
"Hey" or "Over" follower
*"It'll be O.K."
Jerzy Kosinski's "Being ___"
"Over ___" (W.W. I song)
"Over ___," W.W. I song
Start of many limericks
"I told you so!"
When doubled, comforting words
When repeated, comforting comment
When repeated, a comforting phrase
"Till ___ Was You," 1957 song
"And ___ were shepherds . . . ": J. S. Bach
Word repeated when consoling someone
Word said before you go?

{ Tags }

all, comforting, consoling, da, done, hey, limerick, over, repeated, song, soothing, start, ta, there, voila, was, when, word, yonder, you, 1954

{ Notes }

The answer THERE is seen frequently, appearing about once every 140 puzzles.

{ Definition }

THERE as a noun:

1. a location other than here; that place; "you can take it from there"

THERE as an adverb:

1. (there, at that place, in that location) = in or at that place; "they have lived there for years"; "it's not there"; "that man there"

2. (there, in that respect, on that point) = in that matter; "I agree with you there"

3. (there, thither) = to or toward that place; away from the speaker; "go there around noon!"

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