
Go on an angle (3 letters)

{ Answer }


{ Related Clues }

Erratic move
Move to the side
Quick turn
Sharp angle
Sharp turn
Execute a slalom turn
Make a sharp turn
Not go straight
Part of a slalom's path
Slalom course move
Slalom path part
What slalom racers do
Go southwest to go south, say
Turn one way before turning the other

{ Tags }

angle, before, do, go, make, move, other, part, path, racers, say, sharp, slalom, south, southwest, straight, turn, turning, way, what, zig

{ Notes }

The answer ZIG is seen occasionally, appearing about once every 650 puzzles.

{ Definition }

ZIG as a noun:

1. (zigzag, zig, zag) = an angular shape characterized by sharp turns in alternating directions

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