
Feel contrition (6 letters)

{ Answer }


{ Related Clues }

" . . . ___ at leisure"
Be contrite
"Be saved!"
Don sackcloth
Doomsayer's sign
Evangelist's admonition
Evangelist's advice
Evangelist's cry
Evangelist's imperative
Exhortation to sinners
Feel contrite
Feel remorse for
Preacher's admonition
Preacher's directive
Preacher's exhortation
Reformer's exhortation
Religious exhortation
Renounce sinning
Show contrition
Show remorse
Think better of
Don sackcloth and ashes
Have a change of heart
Revival-meeting advice
Say "I'm sorry"
Get ready for Judgment Day
Heed John the Baptist's advice
Word in a street-corner sermon

{ Tags }

admonition, advice, be, contrite, contrition, cry, don, evangelists, exhortation, feel, get, im, meeting, preachers, remorse, repent, revival, sackcloth, say, show, sorry

{ Notes }

The answer REPENT is uncommon, appearing about once every 400 puzzles.

{ Definition }

REPENT as a verb:

1. (repent, atone) = turn away from sin or do penitence

2. (repent, regret, rue) = feel remorse for; feel sorry for; be contrite about

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