
Where the Peacock Throne was built (5 letters)

{ Answer }


{ Related Clues }

Site of Shah Jahan's Red Fort
Metropolitan region that includes India's capital
Its busiest street is Chandni Chowk
Vacation destination for sandwich lovers?
Tamerlane sacked it in 1398
Indian city of 12+ million
Where many Indians live
Capital of India: 1912-31
Deepak Chopra's birthplace
Where cows are sacred
India's Old or New
Former Mogul capital
Capital successor to Calcutta
Jumna River city
Territory in N India
India's second-largest city
Indian state
Indian metropolis
City of northern India
New ___ (Indira's city)
Area of India's capital
City invaded by Tamerlane, 1398
Indian city of 13 million
New ___, India
Territory in India
Indian city
City of India

{ Tags }

built, capital, city, delhi, india, indian, indians, indias, jumna, live, metropolis, million, new, peacock, sacred, tamerlane, territory, throne, was, where, 1398

{ Notes }

The answer DELHI is uncommon, appearing about once every 375 puzzles.

{ Definition }

DELHI as a noun:

1. (Delhi, Old Delhi) = a city in north central India

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