
Shoot of a plant (5 letters)

{ Answer }


{ Related Clues }

Aborigine's weapon
Ancient weapon
Asparagus part
Asparagus shoot
Asparagus stalk
Asparagus unit
Blade of grass
Bushman's weapon
Catch suddenly*
Caveman's tool
Fishing tool
Get with the tines
Headhunter's equipment
Hoplite's weapon
Opera prop
Pickle unit
Primitive weapon
Prop in "Siegfried"
Prop for a Valkyrie
Safari weapon
Slender stalk
Element of tribal warfare?
Kind of head or mint
Opera supe's prop
Primitive fishing tool
Skin diver's weapon
Word with head or mint
Word before head or mint

{ Tags }

asparagus, assagai, blade, catch, divers, fish, fishing, grass, head, javelin, kind, mint, opera, primitive, prop, shoot, skin, spear, tool, unit, weapon

{ Notes }

The answer SPEAR is seen frequently, appearing about once every 130 puzzles.

{ Definition }

SPEAR as a noun:

1. (spear, lance, shaft) = a long pointed rod used as a weapon

2. (spear, gig, fizgig, fishgig, lance) = an implement with a shaft and barbed point used for catching fish

SPEAR as a verb:

1. pierce with a spear; "spear fish"

2. (spear, spear up) = thrust up like a spear; "The branch speared up into the air"

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