
Pass, as a law (5 letters)

{ Answer }


{ Related Clues }

Make enforceable
Pass a law
Pass, as laws
Pass, as legislation
Play a play
Put on the books
Make into law
Opposite of vote down
Pass into law
Put into effect
Vote into law

{ Tags }

bill, books, do, enact, into, law, laws, legislate, legislation, legislators, make, opposite, ordain, part, pass, perform, play, portray, put, stage, what

{ Notes }

The answer ENACT is seen frequently, appearing about once every 110 puzzles.

{ Definition }

ENACT as a verb:

1. (ordain, enact) = order by virtue of superior authority; decree; "The King ordained the persecution and expulsion of the Jews"; "the legislature enacted this law in 1985"

2. (enact, reenact, act out) = act out; represent or perform as if in a play; "She reenacted what had happened earlier that day"

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