
Must pay (4 letters)

{ Answer }


{ Related Clues }

Is in arrears
Is behind
Is behindhand
Is beholden to
Is in debt
Is in hock
Is indebted to
Is obligated
Is obliged
Is in the red
Is short
Is shy
Becomes encumbered
Faces a dunning
Has bills
Has creditors
Has debts
Has liabilities
Has loans
Has a mortgage
Has obligations
Has a tab
Isn't solvent
Lags, financially
Runs a tab
Is shy, in a way
Takes credit?
Comes up short
Goes into debt
Has chits out
Has markers out
Has something outstanding
Hasn't paid up
Isn't free and clear
Piles up bills
Has a credit-card balance

{ Tags }

becomes, beholden, bills, chits, creditors, debt, debts, encumbered, has, indebted, isnt, markers, obligated, out, outstanding, owes, pay, red, runs, tab, up

{ Notes }

The answer OWES is seen frequently, appearing about once every 150 puzzles.

{ Definition }

OWE as a verb:

1. be obliged to pay or repay

2. be indebted to, in an abstract or intellectual sense; "This new theory owes much to Einstein's Relativity Theory"

3. be in debt; "She owes me $200"; "The thesis owes much to his adviser"

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