
Fever (4 letters)

{ Answer }


{ Related Clues }

Chills and fever
Debilitating symptoms
Flu feature
Jungle fever
Malaria symptom
Malarial fever
Malarial illness
Malarial symptom
Ailment sometimes caused by a mosquito

{ Tags }

ague, ailment, chill, chills, eliot, feature, feeling, fever, fit, flu, fluish, illness, malaria, malarial, shaking, shivering, shivers, skeleton, symptom, tropical, woe

{ Notes }

The answer AGUE is seen frequently, appearing about once every 90 puzzles.

{ Definition }

AGUE as a noun:

1. a fit of shivering or shaking

2. (ague, chills and fever) = successive stages of chills and fever that is a symptom of malaria

3. (acute accent, acute, ague) = a mark (') placed above a vowel to indicate pronunciation

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