
Dalloway or Doubtfire (3 letters)

{ Answer }


{ Related Clues }

___ Butterworth
___ Butterworth's
___ Calabash
One of a couple
"___ Doubtfire"
___ Fields
"___ Miniver"
___ Miniver
Partner, with "the"
___ Paul's
Wifey, with "the"
"___ Winterbourne"
Abbr. on an envelope
Bride's title
Gamp or Grundy
Half a couple
Malaprop was one
Miniver or Gamp
Miniver or Grundy
Miniver or Robinson
Miniver or Wiggs
Ms. alternative
Newlywed's title
Partner, informally, with "the"
One with a ring: Abbr.
Robinson, e.g.
Sheridan's ___ Malaprop
___ Smith's Pies
Sra.'s counterpart
Title choice
Wife, once, with "the"
"___ Dot," Maugham play
"___ Miniver," 1942 film
Miss, after vows
___ Olson (ad character)
Title box choice
Title for Grundy or Robinson
Certain ring-bearer: Abbr.
Libber's no-no title
"___ Santa Claus" (Angela Lansbury film)

{ Tags }

abbr, after, box, character, choice, couple, dalloway, doubtfire, film, gamp, grundy, malaprop, miniver, miss, mrs, no, option, partner, robinson, title, woolfs

{ Notes }

The answer MRS is seen frequently, appearing about once every 130 puzzles.

{ Definition }

MRS as a noun:

1. (Mrs, Mrs.) = a form of address for a married woman

MR as a noun:

1. (mister, Mr, Mr.) = a form of address for a man

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