
Accra's republic (5 letters)

{ Answer }


{ Related Clues }

Accra's land
Accra's site
African nation
Home of the Ashanti
Nkrumah's country
Where Accra is
Cocoa-exporting land
Country on the Gulf of Guinea
Country west of Togo
Gold Coast locale
Gold Coast republic
Gold Coast, today
The Gold Coast today
The Gold Coast, today
Its capital is Accra
It's west of Togo
Kofi Annan's birthplace
Kofi Annan's home
Lake Volta is here
Lake Volta locale
Lake Volta's country
Lake Volta's locale
Land west of Togo
Major cocoa exporter
Neighbor of Ivory Coast
Republic on the Gulf of Guinea
W African country
West African nation
West African republic
Where the Volta flows
Big gold and cocoa exporter
Its major export is cacao
Land once headed by Nkrumah
Major cocoa-producing country
Major gold exporter of Africa
Home of the world's largest artificial lake

{ Tags }

accra, accras, african, coast, cocoa, country, exporter, ghana, gold, home, its, lake, land, locale, major, republic, today, togo, volta, voltas, west

{ Notes }

The answer GHANA is common and appears about once every 300 puzzles.

{ Definition }

GHANA as a noun:

1. (Ghana, Republic of Ghana, Gold Coast) = a republic in West Africa on the Gulf of Guinea; "Ghana was colonized as the Gold Coast by the British"

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