
A foe of Sparta (5 letters)

{ Answer }


{ Related Clues }

Agamemnon's home
City in Greece
Homeric dog
Peloponnesian city
Rival of Sparta
Ancient Greek city
Ancient Mycenaean stronghold
Ancient rival of Sparta
City in SE Greece
Historic city in Greece
Odysseus' smart dog
Oldest city in Greece
Rival of ancient Sparta
Rival of Sparta and Athens

{ Tags }

agamemnons, ancient, argos, athens, city, dog, foe, greece, greek, historic, home, homeric, mycenaean, odysseus, oldest, peloponnesian, rival, se, smart, sparta, stronghold

{ Notes }

The answer ARGOS is uncommon, appearing about once every 550 puzzles.

{ Definition }

ARGOS as a noun:

1. an ancient city in southeastern Greece; dominated the Peloponnese in the 7th century BC

ARGO as a noun:

1. formerly a large constellation in the southern hemisphere between Canis Major and the Southern Cross; now divided into Carina and Pyxis and Puppis and Vela

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